Teacher Opinions About Students’ Reading Attitude, Habits and Metacognitive Awareness

Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-Volume 14, Issue 2
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-02-24 22:30:07.0
Language : English
Konu : Language education
Number of pages: 387-407
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Reading is a physical and mental skill. The development of positive attitudes towards reading and reading habits in individuals improve their mental skills. For this reason, it is thought that there is a relationship between reading attitude and habit and metacognitive awareness. The purpose of the study is to determine first language teachers’ opinions on the relationship between students’ reading attitudes and habits and their metacognitive awareness. In accordance with this purpose, the study was carried out in a qualitative type of phenomenological design. The study group consists of 10 teachers who were chosen from among the teachers working in Malatya city center by typical case sampling method one of the purposeful sampling methods. The data were obtained through semi-structured face-to-face interviews with the participants. During the interviews, the interview guide prepared by the researchers and probing questions were used when necessary. Descriptive and content analysis methods were preferred in analyzing the data. The findings obtained were interpreted with reference to the literature. As a result, it can be said that there is a relationship between the reading attitude habits of the students and their metacognitive awareness level in terms of the participants.


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