Analysis of the General Tendencies of Graduate Studies on Children's Rights Issues in Social Studies Education in Turkey

Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-Volume 13, Issue 1
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-02-01 11:11:52.0
Language : English
Konu : Social Studies Education
Number of pages: 86-103
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de Sosyal Bilgiler eğitimi alanında çocuk hakları bağlamında gerçekleştirilmiş olan tez çalışmalarının, çeşitli açılardan incelenmesi ve araştırma eğilimlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma nitel araştırma yaklaşımına uygun olarak tasarlanmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin edinilmesinde, doküman incelemesi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda araştırmada, ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen toplam 8 lisansüstü tez çalışması incelenmiştir. Araştırma verilerinin analizi, içerik analizi tekniği ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, tez çalışmalarının; yayın yılı, yazarların cinsiyeti, tezin; üniversitesi – enstitüsü – tez türü, temalar, araştırma yöntemi, veri toplama araçları ve elde edilen sonuçlar açısından elde edilen bulgularına yer verilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, bu bulgulara dayalı olarak; konu ile çalışmalar yürütecek olan araştırmacılara yönelik ilgili konu bağlamında görüş ve öneriler geliştirilmiştir.



This study was carried out to analyze the work carried out in the context of children’s rights from various aspects in the field of social studies education in Turkey and determine the intrinsic research trends. The study was designed in accordance with the qualitative research approach. The document analysis technique was used in order to obtain the study data. In line with this specific purpose, a total of 8 graduate dissertations determined by the criterion sampling method were examined in the study. The analysis of the study data was carried out with the Content Analysis technique. As a result of the study, in addition to the publication year of the dissertations and the gender of the authors, findings related to the university - institute - dissertation type, themes, research method, data collection tools and the results obtained in terms of the results regarding the dissertation were included. As a result of the study, based on these findings, relevant concepts and suggestions were developed in the context of the relevant subject for the researchers who would conduct studies on this subject.


  • ➢ The achievements gained in the Social Studies curriculum (which Turkey ratified in 1990) was formed by the 42 basic items available in the CRC. Among these items, it was observed that the most association was made with the item 29 (the item related to the goals of education in the Social Studies curriculum).

  • dissertations on children’s rights in the field of Social Studies education in Turkey were examined. 1. Studies on children’s rights in the field of Social Studies education were carried out the most in 2019 (f: 4). 2. Considering the distribution of researchers working on the subject of children’s rights in the field of Social Studies education by gender, it was observed that the number of female students (f: 5) were higher than the male students (f: 3). The result of a similar study by Dündar and Hareket, (2017) overlaps with the result of the present study. This particular result may be due to the fact that women are emotionally different from men towards children or thanks to the feeling of motherhood. 3. When we examine the distribution of studies on children’s rights in the field of Social Studies education by universities, it is clearly seen that studies were carried out on this subject at universities located in almost all regions of Turkey; Considering the distribution by institutes, there was an equal distribution (Educational Sciences f: 4,

  • Kadan (2019), Dündar and Haraket (2017) and Erkan (2018) were in line with the results of the present study. 4. When we evaluate the studies on children’s rights in the field of Social Studies education in terms of the method used, it was seen that the majority of the studies (f: 6) were prepared by the qualitative methods. The result of a similar study by Dündar and Hareket (2017) overlapped with the result of the present study. More emphasis might have been placed on the qualitative studies, as it was thought that the qualitative studies in comparison to quantitative studies might reveal more data in the creation of the main framework in determining the underlying causes of the problems or in finding out about children’s rights in depth. It is because the sheer numbers in social problems may not give researchers sufficiently much information about the details after a certain stage. 5. In the studies on children’s rights in the field of Social Studies education, it was revealed that the interview forms (f: 3), scale (f: 2) and documents (textbook, curriculum guide) were used the most as data collection tools. On the other hand, WAT (Word Association Test) (f: 1), Student Products (Examples of activities performed during the practice) (f: 1) and Researcher’s Notes (f: 1) were among the other data collection tools that were used in studies, even if just a little. The results of the studies conducted by Kadan (2019), Dündar and Hareket (2017) and Erbay (2012) were similar to the results of the present study. Especially regarding the interview method, most of the researchers may have preferred this method, as they could get the opportunity to observe the body language, voice tone of the participants, and their approach to the subject more concretely, and evaluate the general attitude of the participant regarding the problem as a whole. 6. Considering the evaluation of the distribution of studies on children’s rights in the field of Social Studies education based on the results obtained, ➢ As a result of the experimental studies conducted on the subject of children’s rights, it was observed that the students’ attitudes towards the subject were higher in the experimental group. ➢ It was observed that the subject of children’s rights was not emphasized much in the Social Studies textbooks in Turkey and the subject was not internalized. The result of the study conducted by Şallı (2017) supports the result of the present study. ➢ It was revealed that the achievements related to the subject of children’s rights in Social Studies textbooks were at the 4th grade the most and at the 6th grade the least. ➢ It was found that the achievements in the Social Studies curriculum were formed by the 42 basic articles present in the children’s rights convention and were mostly associated with 29 specific items among these items. ➢ It was found that teaching children’s rights through art activities affected the students positively in many ways (awareness, success and happiness). ➢ In a study examining the relationship between parental attitudes and students’ awareness of children's rights, on the other hand, it was found that there was a significant relationship in favor of parents who were together (unbroken family). ➢ In a study conducted with the Social Studies pre-service teachers, they associated the concept of children’s rights with the concepts of the right to life, protection, housing, nutrition, education, health and freedom of expression. In another study conducted by Kardeş, Banko, Eren, Antakyalıoğlu (2017) with pre-service teachers, it was found that pre-service teachers similarly associated the concept of children’s rights with the same terms. ➢ Social Studies pre-service teachers stated that activities such as games, theater plays, drama and conferences should be held in teaching the concept of children’s rights. This particular result may be related to the age level of the children, as well as due to the children’s need for games, as an educational way to recognize life and learn their basic rights. ➢ Social Studies pre-service teachers stated that no promotional activity was held for them on children’s rights. This particular result may be due to the existence of some shortcomings in the Social Studies Education Undergraduate Curriculum. ➢ It was revealed that the Social Studies pre-service teachers defined the concept of “abuse” correctly; they associated the concept of sexual abuse with the concepts of harassment, touching private areas in the body, use of force and rape; however, it was clearly observed that the Social Studies pre-service teachers did not have enough knowledge and information about “emotional abuse”. This may be due to the lack of a complementary informative study for pre-service teachers on the subject of “emotional abuse”, which is one of the types of abuse, or the insufficient practice activities on the subject.

  • ➢ In the study conducted with the practicing social studies teachers, on the other hand, the teachers stated that the country experienced serious problems in terms of compliance with the children’s rights convention; moreover, there were some big problems in the activities regarding the convention and the legal sanctions in Turkey. The studies conducted by Aktürk, (2006), Baysan and Kobat (2009), Koran (2015) obtained similar results to the present study.

  • ➢ Social Studies teachers believed that the children in Turkey were subjected to psychologically, physical and sexual violence the most; they also thought that children were abused for the right to education and health and child labor. The results of the studies conducted by Turanlı (2014) and Erbay (2013) reinforces the result of the present study. Especially the finding related to psychological and physical violence might be caused by the traditional structure of certain regions with low socio-economic level of the society, as well as the possibility that national and local governments might be insensitive to the mentioned problems.

  • ➢ Social Studies teachers stated that the number of activities related to the subject should be increased, examples from daily life given, the drama method used, posters and banners created; and they further stated that the content in the Social Studies textbooks should be enriched and the statements and visuals about children’s rights should be increased. Similar results were found in the study conducted by Şallı (2017) as well. In summary, this finding can be interpreted as that the Social Studies teachers thought that concretizing the subject of children’s rights would be more efficient and more beneficial in terms of permanence of information.

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