The Investigation of Metacognitive Strategies Used by Gifted and Talented Students in Writing Process According to Some Variables

Author :  

Year-Number: 2020-Volume 12, Issue 5
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2020-10-29 23:10:02.0
Language : English
Konu :
Number of pages: 223-243
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The purpose of this study, which is about the metacognitive strategies used by gifted and tal-ented students in writing process, is to “investigate the metacognitive strategies used by gifted and talented students in writing process according to some variables”. The model of the re-search is Convergent Parallel Mixed Method; and the study group includes gifted and talented students that are registered under the Science and Arts Centers (BILSEM/SAC) that are subsid-iaries of Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education and a group of unidentified sec-ondary school students. The study group consists of 156 (41,9%) female, and 216 (58,1%) male students. In order to collect the quantitative data, the Metacognitive Writing Strategies Aware-ness Scale (MWSAS) developed by Aydin, Innali and Uyumaz (2017); and in order to collect the qualitative data, a semi-structured interview form have been utilized in the research. The analy-sis of the collected quantitative data has been carried out via a packaged software; and the qualitative data have been analyzed by categorizing the responses of the participants in the interview form. According to the results obtained, the metacognitive strategy awareness used by gifted and talented students in writing process shows a statistically significant difference com-pared to the unidentified students. While the metacognitive strategy awareness used by gifted and talented students in writing process doesn’t show a statistically significant difference ac-cording to gender and class level, it shows a statistically significant difference according to the school. High metacognitive strategy awareness of gifted and talented students towards writing obtained from the quantitative data of the research has been backed up by qualitative data.


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