The Value of Helpfulness: An Analysis of the 4th Grade Primary School Students’ Views and Their Drawings

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Year-Number: 2019-Volume 11, Issue 5
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 106-118
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




This research aims to identify the views and drawings of the 4th grade students in the primary school towards the value of helpfulness. Having a qualitative research design, this study used case study design. The research was carried out with 26 primary school 4th grade students. Convenience sampling method was used during the selection of the participants. The data were collected through semi-structured interview form and document review. Content analysis used during data analysis. The research results have revealed that primary school fourth grade students perceive helpfulness as brotherhood, love children, respect for elderly, helping the elderly, poor, beggars and sharing goods. The students have been found to put great importance on helpfulness. Besides, students have also stated that there will be bad actions, people will become cruel, and there will be no happiness and peace without helpfulness. The results of this research have also suggested that if people are helpful to each other, friendship will develop, a peace and tranquility environment will emerge in the society, a strong connection will arise among people, and there will always be goodness. When the drawings of the students related to the value of helpfulness have been examined, students have been determined to perceive helpfulness as help for the poor, the red crescent’s help, and help for friends, elderly and disabled people. It has also been found that the pictures drawn by the students are collected under the dimensions of mercy, cooperation, sharing and generosity.


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