The Content Analysis of Articles Published on Multiculturalism in Turkey: 2000-2018

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Year-Number: 2019-Volume 11, Issue 5
Language : null
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Number of pages: 146-158
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The study aimed to examine the methodological dimensions of research articles on multiculturalism and multicultural education published in Turkish academic journals between 2000 and 2018. Qualitative research design was used in order to obtain descriptive information into categories about journal articles contained in multicultural education and multiculturalism in Turkey. The study indicated that there were 96 articles published on such topic between the outlined dates via electronic databases (EBSCO, Google Scholars, Web of Science, and Ulakbim Turkish National Databases). After the numbers of the articles were determined, each article was evaluated in terms of the publication language, publication year, research method, sampling types, sample size, data collection tools, data analysis method and themes. The findings of the study were reported descriptively based on the categories determined for evaluation process. According to the results, most of the studies were published in Turkish. Theoretical and quantitative methods were generally used as research methods. The most frequently used data collection tools were compilation and questionnaire in the studies. Almost half of the studies on multicultural education are conducted using the participation of preservice teacher and teacher. Studies had generally concentrated in the themes of attitudes.


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