Environmental Literacy and The Evaluation of The Studies Conducted on Environmental Literacy in Turkey

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Year-Number: 2010-Volume 2, Issue 3
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The most importan reason of environmental problems that the world faced with is the growing in demand of environmental sources. Therefore, sensitivity toward environmental problems has started to increase since the second half of 20th century. The most effective formula that is built up to solve environmental problems is to make people conscious of these problems. It will be possible with a qualified environmental education that includes all sections of society. The ultimate purpose of the environmental education is to construct environmentally literate people, who are conscious of environmental problems, in society. In this study, it is aimed to introduce the environmental literacy and to evaluate researches about the subject in Turkey. It is thought that the study will be useful for scientist who want to make research on the environmental literacy in Turkey.



The most importan reason of environmental problems that the world faced with is the growing in demand of environmental sources. Therefore, sensitivity toward environmental problems has started to increase since the second half of 20th century. The most effective formula that is built up to solve environmental problems is to make people conscious of these problems. It will be possible with a qualified environmental education that includes all sections of society. The ultimate purpose of the environmental education is to construct environmentally literate people, who are conscious of environmental problems, in society. In this study, it is aimed to introduce the environmental literacy and to evaluate researches about the subject in Turkey. It is thought that the study will be useful for scientist who want to make research on the environmental literacy in Turkey.


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