Organizational Climate Of Firat University

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Year-Number: 2011-Volume 3, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


Abstract Organizational climate consists of the psychological perceptions of employees about the organization and its environment. A clear, supportive climate effects the individual and organizational performance positively. This study evaluated the organizational climate perceptions of the employees of Fırat University. The climate perceptions of the employees were assessed through the Organizational Culture Assessment Scale( OCAS). 273 employees from diverse units of the university with diverse jobs participated in the research. In consequence of the research, the organizational climate perceptions of the employees were revealed to be at “I’m uncertain/moderate” level, at “I disagree/low” level in terms of communication and participating in decision making, and at “I agree/high” level in terms of organizational engagement. Age, job, status variables makes up a significant difference in perceiving the organizational climate.



Abstract Organizational climate consists of the psychological perceptions of employees about the organization and its environment. A clear, supportive climate effects the individual and organizational performance positively. This study evaluated the organizational climate perceptions of the employees of Fırat University. The climate perceptions of the employees were assessed through the Organizational Culture Assessment Scale( OCAS). 273 employees from diverse units of the university with diverse jobs participated in the research. In consequence of the research, the organizational climate perceptions of the employees were revealed to be at “I’m uncertain/moderate” level, at “I disagree/low” level in terms of communication and participating in decision making, and at “I agree/high” level in terms of organizational engagement. Age, job, status variables makes up a significant difference in perceiving the organizational climate.


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