An Evaluation of Education with Museum Practices in Social Studies Classes Based on Student Views

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Year-Number: 2012-Volume 4, Issue 1
Language : null
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate museum education practices used in social studies classes based on the views of students who actually receive them as part of these classes. The study sample consists of 26 seventh grade students enrolled at the Merkez Public Elementary School, located at the central district of Kastamonu province, during the academic term 2009-2010. The researchers made use of interview forms first disseminated among and collected upon completion by subjects, as the data collection tool. The forms thus prepared were applied to students with a view to obtain their opinions about the process at the end of museum education sessions held as part of the social studies classes. Data obtained during the study were analyzed using the content analysis method, at the end of the study. Consequently, the study revealed that generally positive impressions were spelt among the opinions of students taken for evaluation, who expressed their pleasure with the practices. Also it was found that museum education practices had positive impacts and contributions to the class environs and learning and that no difficulties were encountered in time of implementation of the practices.



The purpose of this study is to evaluate museum education practices used in social studies classes based on the views of students who actually receive them as part of these classes. The study sample consists of 26 seventh grade students enrolled at the Merkez Public Elementary School, located at the central district of Kastamonu province, during the academic term 2009-2010. The researchers made use of interview forms first disseminated among and collected upon completion by subjects, as the data collection tool. The forms thus prepared were applied to students with a view to obtain their opinions about the process at the end of museum education sessions held as part of the social studies classes. Data obtained during the study were analyzed using the content analysis method, at the end of the study. Consequently, the study revealed that generally positive impressions were spelt among the opinions of students taken for evaluation, who expressed their pleasure with the practices. Also it was found that museum education practices had positive impacts and contributions to the class environs and learning and that no difficulties were encountered in time of implementation of the practices.


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