Attitude Scale for Elementary English Course: Validity and Reliability Study

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Year-Number: 2012-Volume 4, Issue 2
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The aim of this study was to develop a valid and reliable scale for examining elementary school students’ attitudes towards English lesson. For this purpose, a Likert type scale with five degrees titled “English Course Attitude Scale” was developed. While developing the scale, related literature was searched, students’ opinions were asked and experts’ ideas were benefited. The final scale composed of 35 items were applied to the 428 students of 20 elementary schools who are educated in Nigde in the spring term of 2008-2009 education-instruction academic years. The data are analysed by using SPSS 15.0. The construct validity of the scale is assessed by factorial analysis. Factor analysis was applied to the scale According to findings obtained in the research; eight items were deleted from the designed scale. Analyses showed that the scale consists of five dimensions with 15 positive and 12 negative items which make totally 27 test items. KMO value of the scale was found as .884 and Bartlett’s test was calculated as 10134,161. These conclusions were found to be significant at 0.01 level. Reliability analyses were carried out through total item correlation and Cronbach Alpha and Spearman-Brown split half correlation were calculated in the study and the Cronbach Alpha value was found as .92. It was also found out that the sub-dimensions of the scale were calculated to be changed between .77 and .93 values. The split half test correlation of the scale was found as .83. These conclusions acquired in the study show that both the scale itself totally and the sub-dimensions of the scale are all reliable. A significant correlation at 0.01 level was found between all the factors of the scale. This conclusion state that the factors of the scale are all related with each other. In the final section of the study, the applicability of English Lesson Attitude scale was discussed followed by some recommendations.



The aim of this study was to develop a valid and reliable scale for examining elementary school students’ attitudes towards English lesson. For this purpose, a Likert type scale with five degrees titled “English Course Attitude Scale” was developed. While developing the scale, related literature was searched, students’ opinions were asked and experts’ ideas were benefited. The final scale composed of 35 items were applied to the 428 students of 20 elementary schools who are educated in Nigde in the spring term of 2008-2009 education-instruction academic years. The data are analysed by using SPSS 15.0. The construct validity of the scale is assessed by factorial analysis. Factor analysis was applied to the scale According to findings obtained in the research; eight items were deleted from the designed scale. Analyses showed that the scale consists of five dimensions with 15 positive and 12 negative items which make totally 27 test items. KMO value of the scale was found as .884 and Bartlett’s test was calculated as 10134,161. These conclusions were found to be significant at 0.01 level. Reliability analyses were carried out through total item correlation and Cronbach Alpha and Spearman-Brown split half correlation were calculated in the study and the Cronbach Alpha value was found as .92. It was also found out that the sub-dimensions of the scale were calculated to be changed between .77 and .93 values. The split half test correlation of the scale was found as .83. These conclusions acquired in the study show that both the scale itself totally and the sub-dimensions of the scale are all reliable. A significant correlation at 0.01 level was found between all the factors of the scale. This conclusion state that the factors of the scale are all related with each other. In the final section of the study, the applicability of English Lesson Attitude scale was discussed followed by some recommendations.


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