Investigating Undergraduate Students’ Assessment Preferences in Mathematics Course and Learning Strategies (Pages:242-257)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 1
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The purpose of the study is to define undergraduate students’ assessment preferences and learning strategies and to investigate the relationship between these variables. The study was designed according to correlational survey model. The population of this study was 291 students studying at primary school education department at Cukurova University in 2010-2011 academic falls. As data collection tools, “Assessment Preferences Scale” and “Motivation and Learning Strategies Scale” were used in the study. For analyzing data, descriptive statistics, Multivariate analysis of variance and Pearson Correlation Analysis were used respectively. At the end of the study it was found out that while the students preferring the assessment tools that bring to light their cognitive processes in mathematics classes, they mostly use “organizational”, “exploratory” and “metacognitive” learning strategies. In addition, it was also figured out in the study that there is a “middle-level” meaningful relationship between students’ assessment preferences sub factor scores and learning strategies sub factor scores. In line with these results, defining students’ assessment preferences and assessment strategies as well as providing them with different choices may enhance students’ learning.



The purpose of the study is to define undergraduate students’ assessment preferences and learning strategies and to investigate the relationship between these variables. The study was designed according to correlational survey model. The population of this study was 291 students studying at primary school education department at Cukurova University in 2010-2011 academic falls. As data collection tools, “Assessment Preferences Scale” and “Motivation and Learning Strategies Scale” were used in the study. For analyzing data, descriptive statistics, Multivariate analysis of variance and Pearson Correlation Analysis were used respectively. At the end of the study it was found out that while the students preferring the assessment tools that bring to light their cognitive processes in mathematics classes, they mostly use “organizational”, “exploratory” and “metacognitive” learning strategies. In addition, it was also figured out in the study that there is a “middle-level” meaningful relationship between students’ assessment preferences sub factor scores and learning strategies sub factor scores. In line with these results, defining students’ assessment preferences and assessment strategies as well as providing them with different choices may enhance students’ learning.


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