The Examination of the Burnout Levels of Psychological Counselors According to Perceptions of School Environment (Pages:72-81)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


In this study, the burnout levels of psychological counselors are examined according to perceptions of school environment and according to the variables such as cooperation with the school administrators, the quality of the school, the school grade and the place where the counselors work, the level of being appreciated by their superiors. The study was conducted on 213 the psychological counselors eliminated with random sampling method who work in Erzurum province and its countries in 2011-2012 school years. The data of the study was gathered by Maslach Burnout Inventory developed by Maslach. The data related to the variables of the psychological counselors was gathered through “Personal Information Form” prepared by the researcher. One-way MANOVA for multi-variables and Bonferroni LSD test technique, one of the multi-comparison tests (Post Hoc) were used in the statistical analysis of the data. In the result of the study, it is observed that the burnout levels of psychological counselors difference significantly according to variables such as being appreciated by their superiors, the quality of the school where counselors work and cooperation with the administrators, but the burnout levels do not difference significantly according to the type of the school and the place. The results were discussed and the necessary suggestions were made according to the related litterateur.



In this study, the burnout levels of psychological counselors are examined according to perceptions of school environment and according to the variables such as cooperation with the school administrators, the quality of the school, the school grade and the place where the counselors work, the level of being appreciated by their superiors. The study was conducted on 213 the psychological counselors eliminated with random sampling method who work in Erzurum province and its countries in 2011-2012 school years. The data of the study was gathered by Maslach Burnout Inventory developed by Maslach. The data related to the variables of the psychological counselors was gathered through “Personal Information Form” prepared by the researcher. One-way MANOVA for multi-variables and Bonferroni LSD test technique, one of the multi-comparison tests (Post Hoc) were used in the statistical analysis of the data. In the result of the study, it is observed that the burnout levels of psychological counselors difference significantly according to variables such as being appreciated by their superiors, the quality of the school where counselors work and cooperation with the administrators, but the burnout levels do not difference significantly according to the type of the school and the place. The results were discussed and the necessary suggestions were made according to the related litterateur.


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