Same Performance But Different Perception: Female Stereotypes İn Mathematics Emerge İn Fifth Grade

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Year-Number: 2014-Volume 6, Issue 2
Language : null
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Prior study on the differences in the performance levels of male and female students in elementary and middle school mathematics show mixed results. While significant differences are reported in some studies, others show no such differences. This study assessed differences that might exist in the performance levels (self-reported grades) and beliefs of male and female students in mathematics. One-hundred and twenty-nine (129) students, sixty-seven (67) female and sixty-two (62) male, completed survey questions ranging from fourth through seventh grade. There was no significant difference in the performance level of male and female students; however, whereas male students felt more successful and labeled mathematics as one of their best subjects, their female peers largely reported the contrary. Stereotypes were found to have started in fifth grade and widen up to seventh grade.



Prior study on the differences in the performance levels of male and female students in elementary and middle school mathematics show mixed results. While significant differences are reported in some studies, others show no such differences. This study assessed differences that might exist in the performance levels (self-reported grades) and beliefs of male and female students in mathematics. One-hundred and twenty-nine (129) students, sixty-seven (67) female and sixty-two (62) male, completed survey questions ranging from fourth through seventh grade. There was no significant difference in the performance level of male and female students; however, whereas male students felt more successful and labeled mathematics as one of their best subjects, their female peers largely reported the contrary. Stereotypes were found to have started in fifth grade and widen up to seventh grade.


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