Developıng a Scale of Lıstenıng Anxıety for Turkısh Learners as a Foreıgn Language: A Study for Valıdıty and Relıabılıty

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 2
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The aim of this research is to develop a Listening Anxiety Scale with the aim of determining the listening anxiety for Turkish Lesson of foreign students who learn Turkish and to fulfill the validity and reliability analysis of this scale. The scope of this research consists of 8 different language centers, including 7 TOMER and 1 YATOP, while the sampling comprises 302 students who come from 4 continents and 72 countries, and who have studied at the same language centers. According to results of Essential Component Analysis, Listening Anxiety Scale consists of two sub factors. There are seven items in relation to the scale’s factor, “The lack of confidence”, and items’ factor load values vary between .505 and .761, and also, 30.19 per cent of total variation is explained. There are also seven items in relation to the second factor, “The comprehension and analysis of a text”, and items’ factor load values vary between .461 and .680, and also, 10.97 per cent of total variation is explained. According to this, the amount of variation explained by six factors is 41.16 per cent. To determine the reliability of the scale, Cronbach’s α reliability coefficient is calculated. Cronbach’s α reliability coefficient of the scale which is applied to 302 students is found .90. This value shows that the scale is highly reliable. The valid and reliable scale which is developed in this study can be used in field writing and is in the quality of being used as a scale to determine the listening anxiety of foreign students for Turkish Lesson.



The aim of this research is to develop a Listening Anxiety Scale with the aim of determining the listening anxiety for Turkish Lesson of foreign students who learn Turkish and to fulfill the validity and reliability analysis of this scale. The scope of this research consists of 8 different language centers, including 7 TOMER and 1 YATOP, while the sampling comprises 302 students who come from 4 continents and 72 countries, and who have studied at the same language centers. According to results of Essential Component Analysis, Listening Anxiety Scale consists of two sub factors. There are seven items in relation to the scale’s factor, “The lack of confidence”, and items’ factor load values vary between .505 and .761, and also, 30.19 per cent of total variation is explained. There are also seven items in relation to the second factor, “The comprehension and analysis of a text”, and items’ factor load values vary between .461 and .680, and also, 10.97 per cent of total variation is explained. According to this, the amount of variation explained by six factors is 41.16 per cent. To determine the reliability of the scale, Cronbach’s α reliability coefficient is calculated. Cronbach’s α reliability coefficient of the scale which is applied to 302 students is found .90. This value shows that the scale is highly reliable. The valid and reliable scale which is developed in this study can be used in field writing and is in the quality of being used as a scale to determine the listening anxiety of foreign students for Turkish Lesson.


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