Special Field Competence Levels Of Class Teachers

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 4
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The purpose of this study is to examine the specific field competence levels of class teachers according to their viewpoints, and to determine whether the special field competence levels of class teachers change with respect to their viewpoints, according to variables. The study is a quantitative and a descriptive survey model. The data have been obtained from 250 class teachers working in Istanbul. The literature on the special field competence of class teachers has been examined, and a questionnaire has been developed by considering the dimensions of a MoNE’s study (2008), called the special field competences of teaching profession. According to data, the participants find themselves competent with a great majority. On the special field competence, which made of 8 dimensions, the viewpoints of the class teachers have shown that there are significant differences in some dimensions among that viewpoints related to gender, seniority, educational level and the number of in-service training variables. In the gender variable, the significant differences are in some dimensions which are ‘Follow-up and Evaluation’, ‘Art and Aesthetics’, ‘Raising the Linguistic Consciousness’ and ‘Scientific and Technological Development’. In the seniority variable, the significant differences are in some dimensions such as ‘Learning-Teaching Environment and Development’ and ‘Art and Aesthetics’. In the educational level variable, the significant difference is in ‘Scientific and Technological Development’ dimension. In the number of in-service training variable, the significant difference are in some dimensions such as ‘Learning-Teaching Environment and Development’, ‘Raising Linguistic Consciousness’ and ‘Individual Responsibilities and Socializing’.



The purpose of this study is to examine the specific field competence levels of class teachers according to their viewpoints, and to determine whether the special field competence levels of class teachers change with respect to their viewpoints, according to variables. The study is a quantitative and a descriptive survey model. The data have been obtained from 250 class teachers working in Istanbul. The literature on the special field competence of class teachers has been examined, and a questionnaire has been developed by considering the dimensions of a MoNE’s study (2008), called the special field competences of teaching profession. According to data, the participants find themselves competent with a great majority. On the special field competence, which made of 8 dimensions, the viewpoints of the class teachers have shown that there are significant differences in some dimensions among that viewpoints related to gender, seniority, educational level and the number of in-service training variables. In the gender variable, the significant differences are in some dimensions which are ‘Follow-up and Evaluation’, ‘Art and Aesthetics’, ‘Raising the Linguistic Consciousness’ and ‘Scientific and Technological Development’. In the seniority variable, the significant differences are in some dimensions such as ‘Learning-Teaching Environment and Development’ and ‘Art and Aesthetics’. In the educational level variable, the significant difference is in ‘Scientific and Technological Development’ dimension. In the number of in-service training variable, the significant difference are in some dimensions such as ‘Learning-Teaching Environment and Development’, ‘Raising Linguistic Consciousness’ and ‘Individual Responsibilities and Socializing’.


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