The Parent Involvement in Students’ Home Based Science Learning Activities Scale (PI-SHBScienceLAS): Validity and Reliability Studies (Pages: 57 - 77)

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


The aim of this study is to develop “The Parent Involvement in Students’ Home Based Science Learning Activities Scale (PI-SHBScienceLAS)” parent and teacher forms, for the purpose of determining the level of parent’s involvement in secondary school students' home-based science learning activities and clarifying its sub-scales. The development process of measurement tools has been performed in two stages in the manner that includes the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the “PI-SHBScienceLAS” parent form consists of 30 items and 4 subscales and teacher form consist of 28 items and 4 subscales. Thereafter, internal consistency of the developed scale was calculated by Cronbach Alpha and found that the results obtained from this data set considerably have high reliability. The analysis studies have shown that the status of the developed scale is valid to measure the involvement level of parents in students’ home-based science learning activities and that it provides reliable data.



The aim of this study is to develop “The Parent Involvement in Students’ Home Based Science Learning Activities Scale (PI-SHBScienceLAS)” parent and teacher forms, for the purpose of determining the level of parent’s involvement in secondary school students' home-based science learning activities and clarifying its sub-scales. The development process of measurement tools has been performed in two stages in the manner that includes the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the “PI-SHBScienceLAS” parent form consists of 30 items and 4 subscales and teacher form consist of 28 items and 4 subscales. Thereafter, internal consistency of the developed scale was calculated by Cronbach Alpha and found that the results obtained from this data set considerably have high reliability. The analysis studies have shown that the status of the developed scale is valid to measure the involvement level of parents in students’ home-based science learning activities and that it provides reliable data.


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