Analysis Of The Self, Peer And Rater Assessment Of Teacher Candidates’ Use Of Teaching Methods With Many Facet Rasch Model

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 2
Language : null
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the self, peer and rater assessment of the teacher candidates’ micro teaching applications for using teaching methods with many rasch model. The research sample is comprised of 25 teacher candidates taking the principles and methods of teaching course in a state university. Each candidate was assessed by one academician (rater), themselves (self) and two voluntary peers among classmates (peer) considering their skills in terms of usage of the concerned teaching method. As a result of the research, differences were found between the teacher candidates and their skills in terms of delivering the method satisfactorily. And teacher candidates’ ability measures belong to use teaching methods were determined with high reliability. It was concluded that the teacher candidates face difficulties in appropriate and true delivery of the selected method and making proper use of physical elements in the manner required by the selected method. However, it was determined that teacher candidates were successful in selecting/identifying the appropriate teaching method for a given subject and teaching objectives. It was determined that teacher candidates were lenient when it comes to assessing their own performances and severity in making assessment on that of their peers related to using teaching methods.



The purpose of this research is to investigate the self, peer and rater assessment of the teacher candidates’ micro teaching applications for using teaching methods with many rasch model. The research sample is comprised of 25 teacher candidates taking the principles and methods of teaching course in a state university. Each candidate was assessed by one academician (rater), themselves (self) and two voluntary peers among classmates (peer) considering their skills in terms of usage of the concerned teaching method. As a result of the research, differences were found between the teacher candidates and their skills in terms of delivering the method satisfactorily. And teacher candidates’ ability measures belong to use teaching methods were determined with high reliability. It was concluded that the teacher candidates face difficulties in appropriate and true delivery of the selected method and making proper use of physical elements in the manner required by the selected method. However, it was determined that teacher candidates were successful in selecting/identifying the appropriate teaching method for a given subject and teaching objectives. It was determined that teacher candidates were lenient when it comes to assessing their own performances and severity in making assessment on that of their peers related to using teaching methods.


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