Development, Validity and Reliability of TPACK Scale with Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 2
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The purpose of this study is to develop a TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) scale based on the main components of TPACK framework. The validity and reliability studies of the scale were carried out with 316 Turkish pre-service mathematics teachers at seven different universities in Turkey. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of the scale were carried out. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for the whole scale was found as .97. This scale consists of 59 items and nine factors. With the exploratory factor analysis nine constructs were found: technological knowledge (TK), content knowledge (CK), pedagogy knowledge (PK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), technological content knowledge (TCK), online technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK online), offline technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK offline), technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) and contexts knowledge. According to the CFA results of scale, the ratio of the chi-square value (2866.53) to the degree of freedom (1616) was 1.77. In addition, the goodness-of-fit values for the model revealed by the CFA were SRMR=0.047 and RMSEA=0.050. The development of both reliable and valid scale related to the technological pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service mathematics teachers’ would be promote further studies.



The purpose of this study is to develop a TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) scale based on the main components of TPACK framework. The validity and reliability studies of the scale were carried out with 316 Turkish pre-service mathematics teachers at seven different universities in Turkey. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of the scale were carried out. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for the whole scale was found as .97. This scale consists of 59 items and nine factors. With the exploratory factor analysis nine constructs were found: technological knowledge (TK), content knowledge (CK), pedagogy knowledge (PK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), technological content knowledge (TCK), online technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK online), offline technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK offline), technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) and contexts knowledge. According to the CFA results of scale, the ratio of the chi-square value (2866.53) to the degree of freedom (1616) was 1.77. In addition, the goodness-of-fit values for the model revealed by the CFA were SRMR=0.047 and RMSEA=0.050. The development of both reliable and valid scale related to the technological pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service mathematics teachers’ would be promote further studies.


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