Investigation Of Mathematics Teachers’ Level Of Following Understanding, And Applying Educational Research

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Year-Number: 2017-Volume 9, Issue 1
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Determining teachers’ level of following, understanding and applying research in their disciplines and in the education of other disciplines in in-class activities is of great importance for further studies. This study aims to reveal the views of mathematics teachers about following, understanding and applying studies on mathematics education or different disciplines. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the research topics mathematics teachers attach importance are misconceptions, learning difficulty and attitudes towards mathematics. It is seen that teachers follow sources about mathematics education on the internet. Mathematics teachers do not participate in scientific meetings, and do not find in-service training seminars useful. The teachers do not follow scientific studies and do not find the language of scientific findings understandable. It was also revealed that teachers do not follow studies in other fields and that they think using them in their application would take time.



Determining teachers’ level of following, understanding and applying research in their disciplines and in the education of other disciplines in in-class activities is of great importance for further studies. This study aims to reveal the views of mathematics teachers about following, understanding and applying studies on mathematics education or different disciplines. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the research topics mathematics teachers attach importance are misconceptions, learning difficulty and attitudes towards mathematics. It is seen that teachers follow sources about mathematics education on the internet. Mathematics teachers do not participate in scientific meetings, and do not find in-service training seminars useful. The teachers do not follow scientific studies and do not find the language of scientific findings understandable. It was also revealed that teachers do not follow studies in other fields and that they think using them in their application would take time.


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