Effects On Academic Achievement Of Flipped Learning İn Algorithms And Programming Education

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Year-Number: 2017-Volume 9, Issue 2
Language : null
Konu : null


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the "flipped learning" on university students’ academic achievement. In this regard, 220 students studying in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Programming in Aksaray University participated to the study. As data collection tool, an academic achievement test was developed by researchers. Validity and reliability issues for the test were established. Algorithms and Programming were selected as subject areas since university students experience significant learning difficulties. The study, after a pilot study, was carried out for 8 weeks. In data analysis, using SPSS 24software program, it was analyzed how the dependent variable, academic success, changed according to different teaching methods by using t-test. As a result, it was seen that a significant difference was found between the average scores of students in each program. When the flipped learning for programming education at university level is constructed in a well-structured way, it emerges as an effective learning method for increasing academic success.



The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the "flipped learning" on university students’ academic achievement. In this regard, 220 students studying in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Programming in Aksaray University participated to the study. As data collection tool, an academic achievement test was developed by researchers. Validity and reliability issues for the test were established. Algorithms and Programming were selected as subject areas since university students experience significant learning difficulties. The study, after a pilot study, was carried out for 8 weeks. In data analysis, using SPSS 24software program, it was analyzed how the dependent variable, academic success, changed according to different teaching methods by using t-test. As a result, it was seen that a significant difference was found between the average scores of students in each program. When the flipped learning for programming education at university level is constructed in a well-structured way, it emerges as an effective learning method for increasing academic success.


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  • göre paylaşılmaktadır (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, &Krathwohl,1956). Örnek Madde 1 (bilgi basmağı): C Programlama dilinin özelliklerinin bilinip bilinmediği ölçülmektedir. 1.Aşağıdakilerden hangisi C dilinin bir özelliği değildir? A) C, güçlü ve esnek bir dildir B) C, özel komut ve veri tipi tanımlamasına izin verir C) C, yapısal bir dildir D) C dili Java dilinden türemiştir E) C ile işletim sistemi veya derleyici yazabilir Örnek Madde 2 (kavrama basmağı): Algoritma, akış diyagramı ve kod ayrımı yapabilme kazanımı ölçülmektedir. 2.Numaralandırılmış ifadelerden hangileri algoritma için doğrudur? I. Bir problemi çözmek için gerekli mantıksal adımların tümüdür. II. Problemin çözümü için gerekli işlemlerin şekilsel sembollerle ifade edilmesidir. III. Problemin çözümünde yapılacak olan işlerin adım adım tanımlanmasıdır. IV. Programın yazılımı için gerekli olan bilgisayar programlama kodlarını içerir. A) I ve III B) II ve IV C) I, II ve III D) I, III ve IV E) I, II, III ve IV Örnek Madde 3 (uygulama basmağı): Değişken ifadesini ve tanımlama kurallarını kavrayıp, farklı durumlara uyarlayabilme durumu ölçülmektedir. 3.Aşağıdaki hangisi bir değişken tanımlamada kullanılan değişken ismi olamaz? A) float ondalik; B) char Kullanıcı_Adı; C) int sonuc2; D) double aksaray68; E) char Vize_NOTU; Örnek Madde 4 (analiz basmağı): Döngü ve atama operatörü yapılarını kullanarak kodu tahlil edebilme durumu ölçülmektedir. 4.Aşağıdaki kod bloğu çalıştığında sonuç ne olur? void main() {

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